Tru64 IBMDS3400

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Configurare Storage IBM DS3400 per Tru64

Il tipo host Tru64 non è presente. Ufficialmente non è supportato. Ma funziona parzialmente se si imposta *Irix*. Non esegue correttamente lo switch di canale in caso di failure. Serve eseguire un rescan del bus SCSI.

hwmgr rescan scsi

hwmgr -view dev -cat disk

hwmgr -get attributes -id <id>

hwmgr -show scsi -id <id> -full 

hwmgr refresh scsi


echo Extracting DS volume information...
for ID in `hwmgr -view dev -cat disk | grep  1726-4xx | awk '{ print $1}'`
do echo; echo DS vol, H/W ID $ID
hwmgr -get attrib -id $ID | awk '/phys_loc//dev_base//capacity//serial/'

da DS8000

Configuring kernel SCSI parameters on a Tru64 UNIX host

Complete this task to set up and configure the Hewlett-Packard AlphaServer Tru64 UNIX device parameter database.
About this task

This procedure applies to all versions of Tru64 UNIX 4.0f and later. See the Tru64 UNIX man files for ddr.dbase and ddr_config for more information.

    With the storage quiesced, the host system in single-user mode, and logged in to the host system with root privileges,
    edit the /etc/ddr.dbase file, and include the following parameter values in the DISKS subsection.

    Table 1 provides the recommended settings for the DS8000® SCSI device.
    Table 1. Recommended Tru64 UNIX settings for the SCSI DEVICE.
    Parameters 	        Recommended settings
    TypeSubClass 	hard_disk, raid
    BadBlockRecovery 	disabled
    DynamicGeometry 	true
    LongTimeoutRetry 	enabled
    TagQueueDepth 	20
    ReadyTimeSeconds 	180
    CMD_Write_Verify 	supported
    InquiryLength 	255
    RequestSenseLength 	255
    Compile by executing the following command: ddr_config -c .
    Confirm that the values were included by issuing the following command: ddr_config -s disk IBM 2107 .
    Edit the /sys/data/cam_data.c. file to change the nonread/write command timeout values in the changeable disk driver timeout
    section from 10 seconds to 60.
    Locate the existing timeout value u_long cdisk_to_def = 10; /10* seconds */ ,
    and change the value to u_long cdisk_to_def = 60; /60* seconds */ cdisk_to_def = 60; /60* seconds */